Foreign car number plates: buy security from trouble
Evronomera on cars in Ukraine act on intruders like a red rag on a bull. According to our statistics, car owners are less likely to lose or damage an eurocommercial vehicle in minor accidents. Most often, such license plates are stolen. 95% of our clients who applied for the production of duplicate foreign number plates, it is faced with the theft of registration plates.
What threatens the absence of an official euronomer? This is, at a minimum, a reason for stopping your car by traffic police, followed by a fine. Worse, if you, your friends, colleagues or relatives came to Ukraine from a European country on vacation or on a business visit, and in the morning you found out that the number plates were stolen.
It is officially possible to make a euro number in the country where the car was registered. The original number is protected by corresponding watermarks and a hologram sticker. In our practice, there was a case when a client ordered duplicates of stolen euro-numberrs from us, and later he had problems with crossing the border. Negligent car owner was fined 300 euros for non-original license plates.
How can you protect yourself from such situations?
You can shoot Number plate each time and hide them in the trunk.
You can sit at the window all night without taking your eyes off your car.
You can "firmly" rivet license plate to the bumper car.
You can set the number in the anti-vandal frame.
All these methods are associated with a lot of inconvenience, and in some cases, such actions (installation on rivets and in anti-vandal framework) can cause serious damage to the car. The offender will not stop the rivets or the frame - he roughly dismantles foreign license plates, pulling them out "with meat."
Buy car number plates of foreign countries now!
The best measure of protection against such troubles is a preventive measure, in other words, crime prevention. Order the manufacture of foreign number plates in our company in advance with a 20% discount for the price of 400 UAH. per set, without waiting until the original license plates are stolen.
For the duration of your stay in the country, replace the original foreign autonomists with duplicates. Traffic police officers will not have any questions if non-original license plates are installed on your car. Enough to carry these number plates in the trunk.
To buy an euro number, you just have to visit our office in Kiev or send an order for online production via Viber, WhatsUp or Telegram to the number +38 (097) 001 10 07 . All that is required is the exact letter and number designation of the number.
We produce international license plates on a souvenir aluminum plate with a reflective coating. We have original fonts for foreign car number plates from Poland and Lithuania. Such a sign is practically indistinguishable from the original, in contrast to duplicates of registration marks made in other companies.
We produce duplicates of autonomers of the CIS and European countries on certified equipment. We provide a 2 year warranty on the paint and reflective coating license plates.
If the number plates were stolen from you before you ordered duplicates, we advise you to make copies of the number plates and contact the police with a statement about the theft. Official information on the theft of number plates will greatly facilitate the process of communicating with customs officers and crossing the border.
Do not get into trouble. And if troubles cannot be avoided, then meet them fully armed. Duplicates of foreign number plates made in our company will provide reliable protection against any abnormal situations related to the theft, loss or damage of a license plate of a car.
Attention: This product is a souvenir product, which with its elements can imitate license plates, but is not them.
A souvenir number is not a replacement for a registration number with a motor vehicle and cannot be used instead.
license plates in Ukraine every day lost or damaged
car numbers lost
damaged in an accident and the remaining license plates on the car are lost as a result of theft of car license plates
Foreign number plates, or how to make a duplicate of Evronomer of Lithuania, Poland, Germany and other countries.
Each country of the world has its own standard for autonumber plates, which determines the characteristic character format, the type and size of fonts, the color of characters and background, as well as graphic images on the number.
Typically, each Number plates also has security features: watermarks, holographic stickers, stickers (for example, stickers of regional affiliation and passing inspection). The presence of such unique elements prevents falsification, so in most cases it is impossible to produce a completely original duplicate even in the country of origin of the number.
We make duplicates of the original number plates of the CIS countries, Europe, Asia and the United States for movement within Ukraine.
Officially, this number can not be used as a replacement for state number plates. For foreign countries, such duplicates are a high-quality souvenir copy of the original number plates.
At the same time, for a number of EU countries (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Germany) and the USA we use original fonts , which makes our duplicates outwardly almost indistinguishable from the original.
For Germany and Lithuania, in addition to using original fonts, our duplicate number plates can be made on the original plate and will be as close as possible to the original .
Finally, a budget economy option can be offered for number plates of all countries: the number plates are made on a standard aluminum plate, the standard font of Ukraine, Latin is used.
For all types of duplicates of foreign autonomas, we recommend ordering a set of two number plates for use in Ukraine instead of original number plates. This will help prevent the loss (theft) of original license plates, and, therefore, avoid fines in the future.
Documents required for the manufacture of foreign autonomer:
Copy of registration certificate (registration certificate)
Copy of customer's passport.
What to do if stole foreign car number plates in Kiev and Ukraine
To prevent theft, pre-order the manufacture of foreign number plates in our company with a 20% discount for the price of 400 UAH. per set to use them instead of the original license plates.
If the number plates were stolen from you before you ordered duplicates, we advise you to make copies of the number plates and contact the police with a statement about the theft. The police will issue you an official certificate of number theft, which will facilitate the process of communicating with customs officers and crossing the border.
Duplicates of foreign number plates made in our company will provide reliable protection against any abnormal situations related to the theft, loss or damage of a license plate of a car.
Questions and answers
How to order the duplicate of license plate
To make a duplicate of license plates in our company, only provide us with:
a copy of the registration certificate;
a copy of your passport (1st and 2nd pages with registration) or a copy of the “Driver's license” (for Ukrainian registration);
a copy of the power of attorney in the case of driving by trust.
Copies can be sent via Viber, e-mail, or personally brought to the office.
To take your order remotely from out of town we need to receive the document copies above.
The time of license plates production is 10 minutes or some more.
Is it legal to duplicate the license plates?
In Ukraine, the production of license plates is not licensed.
But there is an optional certification of license plate manufacturers.
Our production is certified according to the state standards: DSTU 3650-2004 and DSTU 3650-2012.
Thus, you can be 100% certain that the license plates produced by us correspond to the state standard, i.e. are absolutely legal. They have the security hologram features and a stamp of factory-manufacturer on their cover.
According to the DSTU 3650 requirements, we also provide 2-year warranty for our production. You can see our manufacturer certificate on our website.
Why do we need copies of client's documents (e.g., registration certificate or driver's license)
We carry out our activities legally, according to the regulatory documentation defining this field of activity.
Each license plate that we produced has the security hologram features and a stamp of factory-manufacturer on its cover.
In a case the license plates were used for criminal purposes, the police can contact us.
Therefore, we must present the documents which were the basis to produce the license plate, i.e. we must show the copies of the registration certificate and other client's identification documents.
What is the penalty stipulated for the lack of a license plate?
Using a vehicle without a license plate is prohibited. Failure to do so constitutes grounds for the imposition of a fine equal to ten tax-exempt minimum incomes or 170 UAH.
What are the warranties to get your license plate?
We have been working since 2008. We are one from the leaders on the market for the production of car license plates.
Our production is certified in accordance with DSTU 3650-2004 and DSTU 3650-2012. You can see the certificate on our website, or we can send it to you by Viber.
Our website contains more than 1000 photographs of samples of finished works. See the Product Samples.
Poland number on European motorcycle Copies of Polish Moto number plates. Aluminum, letters embossed, reflective background. Size: 220x174 mm. Font: standard, non-original.
Hungary number on European motorcycle Copies of Hungarian Moto number plates. Aluminum, letters embossed, reflective background. Size: 220x174 mm. Font: standard, non-original.
Germany number on European motorcycle Copies of German Moto number plates. Aluminum, letters embossed, reflective background. Size: 220x174 mm. Font: standard, non-original
Number of Belarus on the European motorcycle Copies of the Belarusian Moto number plates. Aluminum, letters embossed, reflective background. Size: 220x174 mm. Font: standard, non-original.