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How to order and receive your order: from 5 minutes to days
Send a photo of documents by Whatsup, Viber or Telegram to the number 097) 001 10 07 or by email to nomer.ua@gmail.com. In the message, specify the delivery method:
shipment at own expense in Kiev on the Hem;
Free delivery by New Mail in Ukraine.
You can pay the order:
cash upon receipt;
cash on delivery NP (+30 UAH.);
in Privat24 bank by requisites.
After the order is accepted into work, you will receive a message on VibER or SMS with the number of the Carrier's declaration.
Action: autonomer from 200 UAH. + DELIVERY New mail for half the price + 10% discount on accessories
Price when ordering a set of state. number plates DSTU 3650-2004,2015. + 10% discount on Frames, Plates and 20% on Children's mini number.