Duplicate registration marks: pay little - save a lot

All cars pass the registration procedure, after which the owners are given car registration plates. It can be as usual plates for cars of individuals, as well as a vehicle for special vehicles:

  • State yellow number plates for route cars, buses.
  • Number plates for diplomatic vehicles.
  • Black license plates for motor transport APU.
  • Temporary red registration marks for single trips, etc.

All these are standard autonumber plates, the manufacture of which is regulated by GOST. Number plates are issued in the traffic police, are assigned to a specific car until its sale or disposal. But, as a rule, the life of the car is much longer than the use of license plates.

Over time, the plates are scratched, crumpled during minor accidents. Paint may come off of them along with a reflective film. They become unreadable, and the owner of the car is threatened with fines for driving with license plates that do not correspond to the state. standards.

Some car owners are trying to solve the problem themselves - to restore the damaged plate. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to restore the reflective layer, which means that the autonomers will still not comply with GOST, and fines cannot be avoided. The situation is worse with theft or loss of license plates.

The traditional way out of such situations will be the restoration or replacement of the registration number plates of the car in the traffic police. However, this procedure takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money.

To avoid unnecessary waste, save time, we recommend that you pre-order the production of duplicate registration plates. Creating a duplicate registration number plates of the car will take no more than 10 minutes, it will cost much less than replacing registration plates in the traffic police.

Where can I order a duplicate of state registration marks

We have been manufacturing state license plates for more than two years. The following factors allow us to manufacture products of European quality:

All our equipment is certified.

The production uses only expensive materials and components.

The alphanumeric code is applied to the plate by thermal printing, which ensures its high wear resistance, scratch resistance.

For all our products we provide a 2-year warranty. If during this time a defect or defect is found on the license plate, we will refund your money in full.

We will make for you any autonom: from Ukrainian reg. signs of the standard are 92 years old, up to the number plates of the last sample of GOST 2015. You can also order from us duplicate yellow number plates for route vehicles, number plates with the flag of Ukraine and a trident 2005, autonomy of diplomatic missions, etc.

The production of one duplicate will cost 250 UAH. A set of license plates costs 400 UAH. Ordering a set, you save 100 UAH.

Production of vehicle registration number plates: advantageous offer

When buying a registration number for a car in our company, in addition to products of guaranteed high quality, you will also receive pleasant bonuses and discounts.

Place an order for making duplicate state registration marks within 3 minutes, get a 3% discount.

Leave a review with a photo about our company, get an additional 3% discount.

Tell your friends about us on Facebook, we will give you 3 more bonus percent discounts.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel, watch useful videos, put likes, comment and get another 3% discount for any order.

You can buy a state registration plate of any standard directly in our Kiev office in Podol, or place an order remotely. All you need to do is to send a photo or scan of a technical passport on both sides and a driver's license to the number +38 (097) 001 10 07 , using any popular instant messenger: Viber, WhatsUp, Telegram. You can send copies of the documents to e-mail: info@kievznak.com .

You can pay for the order by cash on delivery, or according to the details of Privat24. Finished number plates will be delivered by New Mail to the post office nearest to you after payment is confirmed.

Insure yourself against unplanned waste and loss of time, order duplicate registration plates now.


license plates in Ukraine every day lost or damaged


car numbers lost


damaged in an accident and the remaining license plates on the car are lost as a result of theft of car license plates

Making duplicate license plates without queues, nerves, at a super price за 5 minutes


Duplicate number plates

The production time is 5 minutes!


More than 20 000 orders


Discounts on the entire range of accessories and plates



Ukrainian car number plate of 2012
Price 360 UAH
330 UAH
  • Price per set - 540 UAH
  • Years of production: 2004-2015
  • Coating: reflective film, protective holograms
  • Size 520x112mm.
  • Production time: from 5 minutes
The license plate of the new standard by DSTU 2015. Blue flag.
Price 360 UAH
330 UAH
  • Price per set - 540 UAH
  • Years of release: 2015-
  • Cover: film with light reflection, protective watermarks
  • Size 520x112mm.
  • Production time: from 5 minutes
Duplicate license plates of the old sample GOST 1997 - 2004
Price 430 UAH
350 UAH
  • Price per set - 550 UAH
  • GOST 1997 - 2004
  • Years of issue 1997 - 2004
  • Security Holograms
  • Reflective background
The yellow room on the machine
Price 650 UAH
450 UAH
  • Price per set - 600 UAH
  • Room on the bus
  • the room on the yellow bus
  • Size 520х112мм.
  • Production time: from 5 minutes
Diplomatic vehicle plates
Price 700 UAH
400 UAH
  • Price per set - 600 UAH
  • License plate for diplomatic vehicles
  • diplomatic car plate
  • Size 520х112мм.
  • Reflective background
Cars and trucks 1992-1995g.
Price 430 UAH
350 UAH
  • Price per set - 520 UAH
  • DSTU 3650: 1992-1995
  • Years of issue 1992-1995.
  • Security Holograms
  • Reflective background
The white room of the USSR in 1977.
Price 430 UAH
350 UAH
  • Price per set - 550 UAH
  • the LIC plate on cars old model
  • old number GOST of the USSR
  • Protective hologram
  • Reflective background
Transit number plates sample 2015g.
Price 80 UAH
450 UAH
  • Price per set - 650 UAH
  • DSTU 3650: 2012 rev. 2015
  • Years of issue 2015-
  • Security Holograms
  • Reflective background
license plate for electric cars with green colored font
Price 730 UAH
400 UAH
  • Price per set - 600 UAH
  • Years of release: 2020-
  • Cover: film with light reflection, protective watermarks
  • Size 520х112мм.
  • Production time: from 1 hour

Work samples

number plates on cars of Ukraine since 1997. until 2004
To order a similar
Red transit number of Ukraine on the car
To order a similar
Duplicate number plates on cars in Ukraine since 2004. until 2015
To order a similar
License plate duplicate for a passenger car according to the standard of Ukraine since 2015, with a blue flag
To order a similar
Number on a motorcycle - sample of 2004, with a yellow-blue flag
To order a similar
License plate for electric cars with green colored font
To order a similar

Duplicate registration number plates

Duplicate production has to be resorted to when license plates need to be restored. The reasons for this may be mechanical damage to license plates in an accident, aging under the influence of time and other factors. But the most common cause is the usual loss of a number, or its theft by intruders. According to statistics, about 70% of license plates are lost, 29% are damaged in an accident, and the remaining number plates are lost as a result of theft.

If one of the number plates is lost (stolen), it is not necessary to contact the police, but if both number plates are lost (stolen), you should contact the police, where you will be given a certificate for the MREO, in order to go through the procedure of replacing number plates. This procedure is time-consuming and costly, and most importantly, it will not restore your previous autonumber, since it entails replacing the data sheet and assigning new number plates. You can avoid this by contacting us for help. We will make duplicates of your number plates in 5 minutes. All you need is a copy of the vehicle ’s passport and a copy of the rights (passport) of its owner, as well as a certificate from the police if both number plates are missing.

Duplicates made by us :

  • absolutely legal , because our production is certified in accordance with DSTU 3650-2004 and DSTU 3650-2012;
  • have excellent quality due to the use in their production of expensive European materials;
  • have a 2 year warranty .

In the manufacture of license plates, the necessary symbols are applied to them by relief molding, i.e. extrusion with a special press. number plates and letters are extruded on plates protected by special holograms , which are visible at an angle of 30 degrees.

Holograms are applied to protect the license plate from forgery. Also, to protect against counterfeit on the license plate stamped by the manufacturer.

Duplicates of standard number plates for Ukraine for civilian cars of new and old (until 2015) sample have an elongated rectangular shape, white background and are made on aluminum plates 520x112mm in size with water marks (holograms) and factory stamp and covered with a protective reflective film. They use universal (standard) fonts. The number plates of newer models contain 8 characters (4 letters and 4 number plates), where the first two letters on the left indicate the region, the last two on the right - the car series. They may have an image of the flag and the coat of arms of the country, depending on the year of release.

Duplicate number plates for passenger transport according to the standard of Ukraine 2004-2018 . have an elongated rectangular shape, yellow background and are made on aluminum plates 520x112mm in size with water marks (holograms) and factory stamp and covered with a protective reflective film.

Also among the registration number plates, you should highlight the number plates that differ in the background color , which indicates the type of the vehicle:

  • black number plates for military equipment;
  • already mentioned yellow number plates for public passenger transport ;
  • white diplomatic number plates with the letter D, as well as the country or international organization code;
  • red transit number plates for temporary movement;
  • green volunteer number plates;
  • blue number plates of police and security agencies.

To place an order for the manufacture of a duplicate of the original police number, in addition to copies of the technical passport and the identity of the police officer, you must have a statement from the head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the manufacture of a license plate certified by a seal. In the absence of an application, it is possible to produce a souvenir police number. Such a number will not be made on reflective film and without holograms, under the personal responsibility of the customer.

Separate groups of registration number plates are also :

  • number plates on motorcycles, ATVs and mopeds of various samples;
  • truck and trailer number plates;
  • tractor number plates , combine harvesters, trailers and other agricultural machinery.

The listed number plates differ from standard number plates in their shape : square for trucks and trapezoid for tractors / trailers, as well as in size and arrangement of symbols. It should be noted that the last two groups of number plates are registered by the central executive authorities that implement the state supervision policy in this area (this is the Gosgornomnadzor and the State Agricultural Inspectorate).

Questions and answers

  • How to order the duplicate of license plate

    To make a duplicate of license plates in our company, only provide us with:

    • a copy of the registration certificate;
    • a copy of your passport (1st and 2nd pages with registration) or a copy of the “Driver's license” (for Ukrainian registration);
    • a copy of the power of attorney in the case of driving by trust.

    Copies can be sent via Viber, e-mail, or personally brought to the office.

    To take your order remotely from out of town we need to receive the document copies above.

    The time of license plates production is 10 minutes or some more.

  • Is it legal to duplicate the license plates?

    In Ukraine, the production of license plates is not licensed.

    But there is an optional certification of license plate manufacturers. Our production is certified according to the state standards: DSTU 3650-2004 and DSTU 3650-2012. Thus, you can be 100% certain that the license plates produced by us correspond to the state standard, i.e. are absolutely legal. They have the security hologram features and a stamp of factory-manufacturer on their cover.

    According to the DSTU 3650 requirements, we also provide 2-year warranty for our production. You can see our manufacturer certificate on our website.

  • Why do we need copies of client's documents (e.g., registration certificate or driver's license)

    We carry out our activities legally, according to the regulatory documentation defining this field of activity.

    Each license plate that we produced has the security hologram features and a stamp of factory-manufacturer on its cover.

    In a case the license plates were used for criminal purposes, the police can contact us.

    Therefore, we must present the documents which were the basis to produce the license plate, i.e. we must show the copies of the registration certificate and other client's identification documents.

  • What is the penalty stipulated for the lack of a license plate?

    Using a vehicle without a license plate is prohibited. Failure to do so constitutes grounds for the imposition of a fine equal to ten tax-exempt minimum incomes or 170 UAH.

  • What are the warranties to get your license plate?

    We have been working since 2008. We are one from the leaders on the market for the production of car license plates.

    Our production is certified in accordance with DSTU 3650-2004 and DSTU 3650-2012. You can see the certificate on our website, or we can send it to you by Viber.

    Our website contains more than 1000 photographs of samples of finished works. See the Product Samples.

    See also the Feedbacks section on our website.

    By the request of the client, we can organize a video tour on our production.

    We will send you a photo of the finished license plate, so you can pay for the order after that.

    Finally, you can always pay for your order only after receiving it with the New Post Service.

How do we work?

The design of the application

Call or order online


Cash or card via website or cash on delivery


Room for 5 min.


Online ordering with delivery in 3 hours or polucheny rooms in the office

Relevant documents

or passport

Technical passport

Order online and receive a discount

Important! When you order duplicate

to avoid problems with law enforcement, pay attention to the following factors:

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