license plates in Ukraine every day lost or damaged
car numbers lost
damaged in an accident and the remaining license plates on the car are lost as a result of theft of car license plates
Duplicate of the car license plate for electric cars with green colored fonts.
Has a blue string and a flag of Ukraine on its top and the UA inscription below.
Letters are colored in green.
License plates of this type are designated as a type 1 in the DSTU.
This is a valid number at the moment, and these plates are released for vehicles from 2020.
Each license plate has the UA watermarks at the top and a lower watermark of the Kievznak manufacturer.
The license plate has a reflective surface.
The warranty for a license plate is 2 years.
The procedure for ordering a license plate for electric cars with green colored fonts:
Call or order online
Cash or card via website or cash on delivery
Room for 5 min.
Online ordering with delivery in 3 hours or polucheny rooms in the office
Order a license plate within 5 minutes and get an ADDITIONAL 3% discount