Questions and answers

Appeal to professionals


Production in compliance with Ukrainian standards 3650:2004 and 3650:2012


We have been working for 10 years and has produced more than 40,000 rooms

High Quality

Use accessories and supplies European manufacturer of UTAL

  • How to order the duplicate of license plate

    To make a duplicate of license plates in our company, only provide us with:

    • a copy of the registration certificate;
    • a copy of your passport (1st and 2nd pages with registration) or a copy of the “Driver's license” (for Ukrainian registration);
    • a copy of the power of attorney in the case of driving by trust.

    Copies can be sent via Viber, e-mail, or personally brought to the office.

    To take your order remotely from out of town we need to receive the document copies above.

    The time of license plates production is 10 minutes or some more.

  • Is it legal to duplicate the license plates?

    In Ukraine, the production of license plates is not licensed.

    But there is an optional certification of license plate manufacturers. Our production is certified according to the state standards: DSTU 3650-2004 and DSTU 3650-2012. Thus, you can be 100% certain that the license plates produced by us correspond to the state standard, i.e. are absolutely legal. They have the security hologram features and a stamp of factory-manufacturer on their cover.

    According to the DSTU 3650 requirements, we also provide 2-year warranty for our production. You can see our manufacturer certificate on our website.

  • Why do we need copies of client's documents (e.g., registration certificate or driver's license)

    We carry out our activities legally, according to the regulatory documentation defining this field of activity.

    Each license plate that we produced has the security hologram features and a stamp of factory-manufacturer on its cover.

    In a case the license plates were used for criminal purposes, the police can contact us.

    Therefore, we must present the documents which were the basis to produce the license plate, i.e. we must show the copies of the registration certificate and other client's identification documents.

  • What is the penalty stipulated for the lack of a license plate?

    Using a vehicle without a license plate is prohibited. Failure to do so constitutes grounds for the imposition of a fine equal to ten tax-exempt minimum incomes or 170 UAH.

  • What are the warranties to get your license plate?

    We have been working since 2008. We are one from the leaders on the market for the production of car license plates.

    Our production is certified in accordance with DSTU 3650-2004 and DSTU 3650-2012. You can see the certificate on our website, or we can send it to you by Viber.

    Our website contains more than 1000 photographs of samples of finished works. See the Product Samples.

    See also the Feedbacks section on our website.

    By the request of the client, we can organize a video tour on our production.

    We will send you a photo of the finished license plate, so you can pay for the order after that.

    Finally, you can always pay for your order only after receiving it with the New Post Service.

How do we work?

The design of the application

Call or order online


Cash or card via website or cash on delivery


Room for 5 min.


Online ordering with delivery in 3 hours or polucheny rooms in the office

Order online and receive a discount

Order a license plate within 5 minutes and get an ADDITIONAL 3% discount